TDSMAN is a comprehensive software that helps in preparing Error-Free TDS & TCS Returns.This has been designed as per the system guidelines and requirements of the Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. The software enables TDS & TCS compliances for all types of Forms – 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, 27EQ.

As part of the TDS eco-system, simplified preparation of Form 24G by Pay and Accounts Office (PAO), District Treasury Office (DTO) and Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Office (CDDO) is also available.

Power Packed Convenience

  • The software covers current financial year and all previous financial years
  • Preparation of TDS & TCS Returns & Correction Statements (Forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, 27EQ)
  • Supports unlimited Deductors / Companies
  • Limit on no. of Deductee / Employee Records – based on selection of Edition
  • Convenient & easy to use interfaces
  • Generation & printing of various types of utility reports in PDF, Word & Excel formats
  • Multi user option with definable access restrictions
  • Auto update option Trial to License
  • Deductees entry without challan

Data Import / Export Features

  • High-speed Data Import Excel & CSV
  • Export Data to Excel & CSV
  • Import of Company Information from Conso (TDS)
  • Data migration from previous TDSMAN versions
  • Data import from TXT & Conso file
  • Import Challans directly from TRACES

Default Analysis

  • PAN Verification & Name Extraction
  • Check for ‘Inoperative’ status of PAN
  • Challan validation
  • Auto TDS / TCS Calculator
  • Short Deductions
  • Late Payment – Interest calculation
  • Late Deduction – Interest calculation
  • Late Fee Calculation

Return Generation

  • FVU file generation in just one click with the integrated File Validation Utility (FVU)
  • Option to automatically download CSI file
  • Instant display of the file validation errors
  • Option to display of FVU errors in a structured format with facility to pin-point error records in Return data
  • Filing of Return (IT Portal)
  • Online Return Filing

TDS Certificates

  • Downloading of TDS / TCS Certificates
  • Generation & Printing of TDS / TCS Certificates
  • Merge PDF Form 16 Part A and Part B
  • Email TDS / TCS Certificates

Interfacing with TRACES & IT Portal

  • Integration with TRACES & IT Portal
  • Automated TRACES Requests / Download of Conso File, Defaults, Certificates, etc.
  • Challan auto fill-up on IT Portal
  • Validation of Challan data from TRACES / IT Portal
  • Import of Challan data from TRACES / IT Portal
  • Challan Addition, PAN Correction, Challan Correction
  • View of Challan Status, Defaults, Statement Status Credits among others
  • Validation of Certificate 197
  • Online filing of TDS / TCS Returns – IT Portal
  • Download of TRACES Utilities – PDF Convertor, Justification Reports, etc.

Correction Statements

  • Preparation of Correction Returns of all permissible types
  • Import of data from Conso (TDS) file downloaded from TRACES
  • Colour highlighting in Correction Return for easy identification
  • To simplify your corrections, software retains the original values for later reference
  • Nullify ‘All Deductees’ with one click
  • Bulk Deductee / Employee addition
  • Bulk PAN modification through Excel, CSV
  • Bulk Nullify through Excel, CSV

Useful Utilities

  • Save image of Filing Receipt
  • Data Backup and Restore facility
  • Auto Backup option
  • Upgrade to next financial year without re-installing software
  • Form 3CD report [TDS section]
  • Pay TAX online – Auto Fill
  • Option for finding BSR codes
  • Monthly TDS calculator for Salary
  • View BIN Information Online
  • View Challan information online
  • Compliance check for Sections 206AB & 206CCA
  • TDS / TCS – Rate Chart

Easy & Seamless Usage

  • Facility to auto update the Software
  • Auto update of File Validation Utility
  • Compliance Reminders & Alerts
  • Software is provided with User Manual, Video Demo for easy understanding



TDSMan (Pro) FY 2024-25 Setup

TDSMan (Pro) FY 2024-25 Update Only

Keygen Only