Many regard Notepad as the golden standard for handling text files of any kind. However, in the case of extremely long and numerous log files, LogViewPlus may be the helping hand you need to quickly find the errors and minute details necessary for ensuring a good functioning of your application.

Straightforward interface

When booting up, the app greets the user to a clean design starting to a toolbar resembling Microsoft’s Office top ribbon, boasting big icons as buttons as useful visual cues for a better workflow adaptation. Log files are opened into a table format, providing a clearer view into the events and executions done by the application in question.

Log entries can be filtered by the text they contain or the time interval in which they took place, which can be life-saving when having to track down a series of errors caused by a particular element. The entries can also be parsed into sub-menus underneath the log file to have an even better view of the situation at hand.

When having to search for solutions, any data line clicked by the user will be displayed as selectable text in a bottom section underneath for easy copying and pasting. Additionally, entire directories can be monitored automatically for detecting changes and newer file versions in order to aid the user in keeping up to date with the latest statistics.

Easily navigate across large files

Tracking where your software went wrong can be made much easier thanks to a built-in bookmarking feature for entries that also lets you add custom text to them when working on documents for long periods of time. Moreover, activities recorded by the log files can also be viewed in a graph layout to check how often your program executed the desired actions.

In order to take advantage of your screen’s real estate, multiple log files can be merged into a single view for displaying all their entries concomitantly, which makes it easier to compare records and find inconsistencies.

Finally, in case of having to execute a system shutdown, the current app session can be saved in the form of a “Workspace” to quickly pick up where you left off after restarting the system.

Useful log file viewer with neat organization features

For those testing and debugging applications on a daily basis, or for those who prefer a table view as opposed to Notepad’s simplistic approach, LogViewPlus offers all the tools you need to navigate quickly and painlessly through your log files.

LogViewPlus Release Notes



LogViewPlus 3.1.56

Crack Only