Secret Disk is not that secret for the user. It is made secret by anyone who wishes to create a password-protected drive for keeping sensitive information from those who like to concern themselves with things that aren’t their business in the first place.

The program is quite straightforward and user-friendly. No real IT knowledge is required to operate this app to its full potential.

Two sides of the coin

Just like a coin has its two faces, the app also presents a duality in the sense that you will first have to initiate the disk connection procedure which is a fancy way of saying you will hide the storage device and then secondly you will have to add a password and other security configurations to make sure the items placed in the drive will not be compromised.

Simple and to the point

The program is quite simple, and I dare say it is also quite helpful in situations where you want to lock your items fast in a secure and hidden virtual place. The big icons are very well-designed and indicate with accuracy the function behind their existence.

Also, I felt the interface was well-chosen mixing simplicity with style in a highly intuitive form that serves any user out there with or without computer knowledge. Secret Disk was created for users who want to increase their security and privacy at no extra cost, not even having to improve their computer skills.

This program manages to offer this experience and keep it simple without eliminating any of the important functions you find with other apps from the competition. The procedure required to undo any of the hiding actions is also quite easy to work with rendering your machine back to its original state without any stressful or frustrating experiences.

What’s new in Secret Disk 306

  • Exciting Update: Fresh New Design for Our App!
  • We’ve given our app a fresh new look! While the layout and screens remain the same, the overall style has been updated for a more modern feel.

Changes in This Update:

  • Removed the “Young Rose” Color Theme: This theme has been removed due to very low usage.
  • Enhanced Dark Theme Support: During installation, the app will now suggest enabling the dark theme. You can also switch to it later via the menu.
  • Improved Theme Options: Choose between standard, dark, or automatic themes that sync with your Windows theme.

Key Improvements:

  • Enhanced Security: To prevent data loss, the app will no longer allow users to close it during disk operations.
  • Fixed an issue where the app could continue running in the background after closing the window with the ESC key.
  • Reduced unnecessary popups and website redirects.
  • Better Error Tracking: We’ve improved error tracking during app startup to address issues with core identification (pcid). This is an ongoing effort, but it brings us closer to resolving related errors.
  • Various Other Bug Fixes: We’ve squashed additional bugs to improve overall stability and performance.



Secret Disk Professional 307 / Mirror