Rons Data Gear is a suit of applications designed to handle any CSV or tabular data workloads. The two main products, Rons Data Edit and Rons Data Stream, are complementary applications that can be used either together or individually to handle any volume of data.

Rons Data Edit Features:

  • Delimiter Auto Detect. Separators can be configured to align with file extensions.
  • Import Wizard with preview for any separated format from a file or the clipboard.
  • Full-text encoding supported: Utf-7, Utf-8, Utf-16 and Utf-32, with automatic detection.
  • Line break format is automatically detected and changeable.
  • Tabbed Document Layout.
  • Location panel for easy browsing and opening of files.
  • Search and execute commands – configure their keyboard shortcuts.
  • Side and activity panels to maintain focus.
  • Zoom.

Rons Data Stream Features:

  • Jobs: set up of data sources, formats, and destinations
  • Jobs files can be stored with the data (if the data is in a directory), or separately if needed, and run at the click of a button or from the command line.
  • Cleaners: set up cleaning rules to process data
  • One or more Cleaners can be created, named, saved, and re-used with multiple Jobs as often as needed.
  • Rules: the list of operations to perform on the data
  • Numerous columns, rows, and cell operations are combined easily within the cleaner. See List of Rules below.
  • Loads data from multiple available sources
  • See Source and Destination Information below.
  • Outputs to multiple formats
  • Source and destination formats can be configured for simple file conversion. See Source and Destination Information below.
  • Quick Job
  • An alternative window for quickly setting up a cleaning Job. The Quick Job can even be saved as a full Job.
  • Preview Screen
  • Essential for building cleaning tasks. A clear comparison of the original data with the processed one.
  • Log files Output
  • Essential for finding errors on large files.
  • Full control over text format
  • Full-text encoding supported: Utf-7, Utf-8, Utf-16, and Utf-32 (both big-endian and little-endian), with automatic detection.



Rons Data Edit Pro 2024.6.8.1455