If you ever worked with the Apache web server, then you know that its configuration is stored in the .htaccess file. To create a new configuration file and alter the default behavior of the server, one option is to build the .htaccess file using a reliable text editor. A more convenient alternative is using DA-HtAccess, whose major advantage is that it enables you to fill in the configuration without knowing the syntax.

DA-HtAccess enables you to create a new .htaccess project without too much effort and save it locally, at least at first. You get to tamper with the directory index command, which allows you to enter a default page that will be displayed when a directory on the web server is accessed. This way, you can configure the server to display an index.html file instead of showing a directory listing, as requested by a client.

You can also use DA-HtAccess to handle error pages. In other words, the application enables you to define custom error pages and serve them to clients when needed. This way, in case a page that does not exist is requested, or another similar error-generating event occurs, the server will show the client a customized error page instead of the standard boring error page.

DA-HtAccess also enables you to handle redirects in your web server. There are two main cases you might want to use this for, but other situations might occur as well.

The first case is related to pages that you changed the URL for, so the old page has to be redirected to the new address permanently (redirect type 301). The second situation is related to search engine optimization: a temporary landing page should be set in place when the main page is planned to be restored later (e.g., page maintenance).

The .htaccess configuration file can also include information regarding users and their passwords.

A .htaccess configuration can be created with a simple text editor, but DA-HtAccess makes it easier to carry out the task. To give you the complete freedom you get when creating the configuration in a text editor, the application also features a custom code area where you can add any lines you want to include in the configuration file. However, please note that even the slightest syntax error can result in the content not being displayed correctly.

Once you are done with the .htaccess file, you can export it to your computer or simply use the integrated FTP uploader to place it in the directory of your web server.



DA-HtAccess 3.2.1