Be it that you wish to improve the efficiency of your personal or professional workflow, or have temporary or permanent conditions, such as carpal tunnel, medial nerve or ulnar nerve compression, or, even worse, repetitive strain injury, there’s a high probability that you’ve considered voice recognition software. Designed to basically convert audio commands into actual mouse and keyboard inputs, such software can make a significant difference to those in need. Work by Speech is one such software.

Efficiency and ergonomics are addressed, through an accessible approach, which offers customizable mouse control

The design of Work by Speech accounts for numerous aspects that constitute some of the requirements of those in need of speech recognition capabilities. Not only that, but it does so ergonomically, and offers accessible handling.

For instance, it comes equipped with a customizable mouse grid, which is built in order to ensure better and faster control across the cursor, and it supports a multitude of grid shapes, as well as up to 2550 figures.

Access the dedicated, “quiet speaking” mode, and numerous other useful features

There are a multitude of functionality traits and dedicated tools that come with Work by Speech, whose scope and intended purpose far surpass the capabilities of a simple test. However, their inherent ergonomics and the angle from which these address the requirements for speech recognition, are well-thought.

Among those numerous features, some stand out, such as the dedicated “quiet speaking” mode, or the very detailed settings bank, which offers users a very configurable take on the customization process of the app’s behavior.

Valuable tool, which addresses the requirements of those who are in need of speech recognition for interacting with their PC more efficiently

This application can provide reliable performance when it comes to implementing speech recognition into your personal or professional life, and it will allow you to improve PC interaction significantly.



Work by Speech v.1.9-MADARA